I began this blog when I was 23 years old and my husband, Jesse was only 21. That was in December of 2007 when we decided that we wanted to bring a baby into our family. We had no idea all that decision entailed. Back then I had a false assumption that I was super-fertile and would get pregnant even while on birth control. Well, I was off of birth control for over a year, went through all of the fertility testing, and then was diagnosed with "unexplained infertility".

This past year has been one of the most difficult I have ever been through. I ran the emotional gauntlet on this issue, ranging from intense sadness and heartache to anger towards God to total peace about what He is doing. God began to show me how He was using my infertility as a ministry. It is my hope to share my testimony with others so that they may either be encouraged as they face their own infertility or educated as they learn what infertility entails. More than that, though, I hope that the things I share point others to God regardless of what they are going through.

When I first began this blog, the entries were kept private. But I have decided to open everything up in order to let people see the raw truth of the struggle. I strive to find the fine line between sharing the truth and sharing too much information. However, it is my desire to share my heart, regardless. And I have learned that there is never "too much information" in the world of infertility.

After being diagnosed with unexplained infertility on November 17, 2008, I was put on a round of 50mg of Clomid to strengthen the quality and quantity of my eggs. I suppose it was how God chose to work because I became pregnant that very cycle.

In order to be sensitive to those who are still going through infertility, I have opened up a new blog about my pregnancy. I am maintaining this one, though, hoping that it serves as a testimony to anyone who may be going through infertility at the time they come across my site. If you want to follow my life's journey, check out my other blogs. And if you would like, please don't hesitate to email me:

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Important Terminology

A woman's cycle begins on the first day of her period (or when "Aunt Flow" [AF] as it is so lovingly called) arrives. This is marked as cycle day (or cd) 1. Each subsequent day is numbered in the same way until her period starts again, starting the next cycle (cd 1) again. For the textbook woman, the length of this cycle is 28 days, but any woman's cycle can very + or - about 5 days. If the cycle is too short, it could prevent pregnancy because the lining of the uterus isn't built up enough. It could also indicate that your progesterone levels are too low meaning you couldn't even hold a pregnancy. If your cycle is too long, it could mean that you are not ovulating at all.

Usually around cd 14 (give or take a few days) is when ovulation occurs. This is when the egg is released from the fallopian tubes. It only survives for about 24 hours before it disintegrates and is flushed away with the next cycle. The sperm, on the other hand, can survive for anywhere between 3-7 days. So, there is only a window of about 5 days that the woman can get pregnant- from about 5 days before ovulation to just after it is released. If fertilization occurs, it takes about 5-8 days for it to travel back through the tubes into the uterus. And, any given month, a woman has only 20% chance of this process being completed.

In order to plan the optimal time of intercourse to conceive, a woman can take ovulation predictor kits (OPK's). This test is taken just like a pregnancy test and turns positive when it detects a luteinizing hormone, the hormone given off as your body gears up for ovulation. Once you get a positive, it is best to have sex in the 3 or so days following it.

In conjunction with the OPK's, it is helpful to take your basal body temperature (BBT) each day. This is done with a thermometer, like any other one, which simply determines your temperature to the 100th of a degree. So it says "98.63"degrees instead of just "98.6". You are supposed to take this temperature every day before you even get out of bed or do anything and after at least 3 hours of sleep. This ensures that you get your average resting temperature. Before you ovulate, your temperature will stay in a certain range. Once ovulation occurs, your temperature will spike up about .3 degrees due to the increased progesterone hormone released- a subtle but significant difference. Once this spike occurs, ovulation has already occured and it's too late to conceive that cycle. The significance of this entire process is first, to get a general idea of when ovulation occurs for you each month, and second, to know when there's no more chance of conception anymore. Your temperature can also reveal some other important things throughout your cycle. If it goes up again about 5-8 days past ovulation (5-8 DPO's) and stays up for the duration of your cycle, it can indicate (although not always) that implantation has occured. This is called a triphasic cycle. Furthermore, if you have just one drop during these same 5-8 days and then it goes back up, this could also indicate implantion has occured.

There is much more to the whole process, but these are the most basic details of conceiving, and the details that pertain to me the most.

1 comment:

Abe said...

HI there!

Just popping in and saying HI! :-) HAven't got the time right now, but I promise I will read through your posts and comment where appropriate :-)